Aug 9, 2024

1. 50 years since Nixon left the White House in disgrace: Democracy and the deepening crisis of American Capitalism

2. Israeli wasn't invited: US leads boycott of ceremony commemorating the atomic bombing of Nagasaki

3. Can Ukraine's desperate offensive into Russia turn the tide of war in its favor? Will NATO troops be drawn in?

4. Tens of thousands of anti-fascist protesters mobilize in Britain to thwart fascist threats

5. Mail delivery workers appalled by the rise of the fascistic far-right in Britain

6. Billionaire's bully pulpit: Elon Musk cheerleads reactionary fascistic forces

7. Tragedy and accidents dog Tesla "Gigafactory" in Austin, Texas

8. Aftermath of UAW's "historic" 2023 contract: chaos and accidents become routine at a Dearborn, Michigan Ford Rouge Plant

9. Two-faced flight attendants union endorses Kamala Harris for president

10. Journalist in New York arrested and charged for committing a "hate crime" for recording video of anti-genocide protesters painting graffiti

11. Answering his “country's sacred call”, Tunisian dictator announces he will run as a candidate in a October 6 election; meanwhile most Tunisians are going hungry

12. Public sector health workers in New South Wales, Australia ready for a real fight after rejecting a government pay deal that would have slashed their real wages

13. After voting down UAW's sellout contract, a Chicago auto parts worker speaks out about sweatshop working conditions

14. Second hypocritical DSA "squad" member, Cori Bush, loses primary election to a heavily funded challenger

15. Slowing Chinese economy reduces demands for raw materials and exports jitters to financial speculators

16. Art and activism: metal band, Guhn Twei, censored for daring to criticize environmental hazards posed by the multinational conglomerate, Glencore

17. Report: millions of working-class people in Australia unable to secure legal representation or advice

18. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!