Aug 24, 2024

1. Democratic National Convention ends by nominating Kamala Harris as its presidential candidate. In her acceptance speech, directed to two separate audiences, she clarifies her agenda

2. The view from German workers: multinational automakers target workers' jobs and benefits all around the world

3. UAW fears losing control of the Dakkota auto parts workers after a rank-and-file rebellion

4. UAW bureaucracy scapegoats foreigners and mismanagement to hide its deep corruption and failure

5. Venezuelan pseudo-left regime increases repression in spite of court certifying Maduro's election (which the US has yet to formally recognize)

6. The necessity of forming international rank-and-file committees: thousands of Canadian railway workers confront an all-out political struggle after being told to abandon their strike

7. Video game performers' and voice actors' strike enters fifth week after their feckless union representatives took a break to attend the Democratic National Convention

8. Far-right presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. ends campaign by posturing as being anti-war, like the candidate he now supports, Trump!

9. Students in the United States return to college campuses which are imposing new limits on protest, dress, and free speech

10. The Biden administration must think we are all idiots: its Gaza ceasefire diplomacy has been a fraud from the beginning

11. Hundreds of jobs disappear after a Sydney, Australia grocery chain automates its warehouse

12. On a visit to Moldova, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expresses Germany's commitment to increasing war support to Ukraine

13. Australian members of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality launch petitions to orient college students to move beyond the abject failure of "protest politics"

14. Tom Mackaman's report to the Eighth Congress of the Socialist Equality Party:

Socialists stand against historical falsification aimed at discrediting the two American Revolutions— the Revolutionary War and the Civil War!

Can anyone still doubt that the American ruling class has withdrawn its protection from the people?

15. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!