Aug 2, 2024

1. The Biden-Harris administration is exploiting Sunday’s presidential elections in Venezuela to instigate a coup against President Nicolás Maduro

2. Corrupt UAW International Executive Board votes to endorse Kamala Harris

3. Chronic understaffing: shortage of nurses in the US is at its worst in 40 years

4. People unable to cool down: studies describe how the working class in India is being victimized by global warming

5. An abysmal 5 percent turnout for a leadership election: Amazon workers lack trust in their ineffectual, "independent" union

6. Callous indifference to human life: released bodycam video shows police killing a 4-year-old child

7. Railroad company and union negotiate secretly behind workers' backs in Wellington, New Zealand

8. Airline executive cashes in while workers lose jobs after an Australian airline goes belly-up

9. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!

Will Lehman: 

Harris, Trump and Biden are all capitalist politicians. They represent the interests of the ruling class, not the working class.

The Socialist Equality Party is a working class party. Joe Kishore and Jerry White, its candidates, are running on a program that represents the interests of workers.

Fascism and dictatorship cannot be prevented by voting for Harris, and war and inflation cannot be stopped by voting for Trump. Workers need a strategy and a party to unite us internationally, against war, genocide, inequality and their root cause– the capitalist system.