Aug 29, 2024

1. With a green light and billions of dollars of weapons from Washington, D.C., Israel turns its genocidal sights on the Palestinian West Bank

2. Why does the CDC deflect responsibility and promote myths about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic?

3. Dakkota auto parts workers courageously bypass the UAW bureaucracy and picket at the Ford Chicago Assembly Plant

4. After a sanitation worker dies, the Democratic Party-controlled city of Baltimore holds hearings into "medieval" working conditions at its Department of Public Works

5. Netflix documentary about Prince Andrew's "Epstein interview" for the BBC sidesteps broader issues to focus on the obvious: that Andrew was indifferent, snobbish, stupid, spoiled

6. How pseudo-leftists help the Spanish and Catalan bourgeoisie close ranks to pursue war, austerity and attacks on democratic rights

7. Tussle for power in France exposes the intractable crisis of French democracy and President Macron's own deep ties to neo-fascism

8. Capitalizing on widespread disgust with war and austerity, far-right candidates are expected to make gains in eastern German elections

9. After terror attack in Solingen, Germany, bourgeois politicians of all stripes unite to demonize all immigrants

10. Mass rallies of building industry workers across Australia highlight the determination of workers to fight the Labor government's attack on their democratic rights after the failure of their union to protect them

11. While the cost of energy keeps rising, the reliability of service is deteriorating, and the anger of the public is growing: thunderstorms knock out power to many across Michigan

12. Humanitarian organizations fecklessly hope to reform the IMF and World Bank, to which poorer countries are now paying from 14 to 25% interest on loans

13. Report aimed at determining the true climate impact of Australian fossil fuel production inadvertently reveals that profits from exported energy are more important to the Labor government than fighting global warming

14. Anticipating anger and rebellion from North American railway workers, five unions promote an unprecedented early sellout agreement

15. Tired of working under an expired and flawed contract, pilots at Canada’s biggest air carrier, Air Canada, vote to strike  

16. Tom Hall's report to the Eighth Congress of the Socialist Equality Party describes the inspired international effort to form rank-and-file worker committees

17. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!