Aug 26, 2024

1. US approves new COVID booster shot without a comprehensive plan for its roll-out

2. Jill Stein picks running mate: youth and workers should not be fooled by the nationalistic, pro-capitalist Green Party

3. Bernie Sanders cons voters into supporting the Democratic Party

4. Noguchi Museum staff walk off jobs after being prohibited from wearing keffiyehs in support of besieged Palestinians

5. Part of a US-backed military escalation throughout the Middle East: Israel unleashes most serious fighter-jet attacks on southern Lebanon since 2006

6. Two new reports concur: Antarctic ice shelves are melting more rapidly than previously anticipated

7. Socialist in England alert auto workers to auto manufacturing corporations plans to substantially eliminate jobs globally

8. US economy is on a knife edge: financial parasites happy with Fed Chief Jerome Powell's impotence to control interest rates

9. Federal mediators intervention to bargain for 17,000 AT&T workers on strike spells a betrayal is "in the works"

10. UK Rank and File Postal Workers Committee rejects voting for their unions' rewrite of procedures without allowing workers to read it

11. A futile and reactionary arson attack on a French synagogue is an urgent warning of the necessity of uniting Muslim and Jewish workers against the capitalist police state and the Gaza genocide

12. Returning to school after summer-- what is the way forward for students who are opposed to war and genocide?

13. UPS delivery workers still suffer from dangerous heat in spite of Teamsters' promises

14. New Popular Front leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon and the union bureaucracies are ready to support a right-wing government controlled by French President Macron

15. Australian Labor government decides to dictate to the  construction division of the Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union to muzzle its militant members 

16. Australian Labor government suffers humiliating election defeat in the Northern Territory where a US military presence is growing

17. With new rules, the University of Michigan administration tells returning students: those who protest against genocide are criminals

18. Prelude to future war? Economic competition between the United States and China intensifies in the Middle East

19. Sri Lankan Socialist Equality Party presidential candidate Pani Wijesiriwardena gives advice to Bangladeshi workers in the wake of the putdown of their massive protests

20. A courageous rebellion: Dakkota auto parts workers reject a fourth attempt by the UAW bureaucracy to ram through a sellout contract

21. German IG Metall trade union sides with Thyssenkrupp Steel's massive job cuts

22. Innocent lives matter: in spite of incriminating evidence, Missouri presses forward to put a prison inmate to death

23. Why is the notorious far-right Austrian Freedom Party leading polls in Austria's parliamentary elections?

24. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!