Aug 28, 2024

1. “Our fate is to die. There is no place for us to go. There is no safe place.” Humanitarian aid is blocked to Gazans under Israeli evacuation orders

2. The surveillance and arrest of Richard Medhurst is part of a broader effort by the UK Labour government to criminalize and intimidate left-wing and anti-war journalists

3. Sri Lankan members of the Socialist Equality Party demand the unconditional and immediate release of Ukrainian political prisoner Bogdan Syrotiuk

4. Boeing’s subordination of safety to profit results in astronauts being stuck in space

5. Charlatan-leftist independent US presidential candidate Cornel West opportunistically embraces RFK, Jr's right-wing talking points

6. UAW bureaucrat to workers: “I am sorry you are struggling but, wow.” Workers must unite globally to defend their own interests

7. The heroic fight being made by auto parts workers at the Dakkota Integrated Systems plants in Chicago

8. Silencing free speech: as students return to college campuses, Instagram restricts pro-Palestinian accounts

9. Union forces Washington, D.C. transit workers to vote on a troubling "memorandum of understanding"

10. Hiding failures and promoting xenophobia: Australian government caps foreign student enrollments

11. To step up Britain’s support for the NATO-led war against Russia in Ukraine, UK Labour government announces savage economic austerity measures

12.  UK rail, maritime and transport labor leader dodges workers while Labour government begins imposing painful austerity measures

13. Report on the recent New Zealand Socialist Equality Party meeting to discuss how to defend Wellington rail workers

14. Apartment residents lose everything to a building fire in London that drew 45 fire engines and 225 fire-fighters

15. UN report: 1.2 billion young people aged 15 to 24 are not in employment, education or training

16. Militant Dakkota Workers Rank-and-File Committee ask Ford Chicago Assembly workers to reject UAW-allowed scab parts

17. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!