Aug 3, 2024

1. War is good business: how Chicago Hyatt Hotels billionaire Penny Pritzker profits off of the US-NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine

2. Raking it in: Democratic Party's switcheroo to running Kamala Harris pays off in rich campaign contributions; Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro most likely to be the vice-presidential pick

3. Capitalism is destroying everything except itself at full speed.... Unfortunately the pandemic cannot be declared over: the World Socialist Web Site interviews a distinguished medical specialist about COVID-19

4. UK Labour government treats anti-immigrant fascists running amok with kid gloves

5. US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin orders an aggressive deployment of a fighter squadron to bases within striking distance of Iran

6. Exposed in a recent document, the German army asserts that it bases itself on the tradition of the Wehrmacht, the army of the Nazi regime that massacred and starved tens of millions of civilians during World War II

7. Testaments by officials before committees investigating the attempted assassination of Donald Trump fuel justified suspicions

8. Walmart Workers union in Chile angers workers with a sellout contract

9. Dehumanization of migrants at the US-Mexico border is put into a spotlight after a suppressed body-cam video of a Guatemalan woman's death is released

10. Sri Lankan socialists invite workers to a public meeting to organize opposition against the privatization of public utilities

11. Top-level US and Philippine diplomats meet to solidify their ironclad commitment, robust alliance, historic ties, and drive toward war with China

12. An “open road” is not enough to offer an escape from the difficulties of social and political life: a review of the film, The Bikeriders

13. Western Sydney University Rank-and-File Committee issues statement to oppose their high-ranking university's destruction of jobs and pro-business restructuring

14. Bold actions to address high costs, low margins: chip maker Intel to eliminate about 15 percent of its global workforce after tempestuous week

15. A Canadian warship's provocative transit through the Taiwan Strait

16. To deflect growing social opposition against wars, Turkey's Erdoğan government polarizes population over issue of stray dogs

17. Damage control and contradictions: Labor government report covers up Israel’s murder of an Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom and six of her colleagues

18. Video: Socialist Equality Party section appeals for support to put a socialist, anti-war candidacy on the ballot at the next Australian federal election

19. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!