Jul 6, 2024

1. Tom Scripps: workers must organize a true socialist opposition to the new Labour Party government in Britain

2. Workers call for new elections in the UAW as strike by tens of thousands of academic workers at the University of California ends

3. US-led NATO plans to establish a separate command for Ukraine

4. To save socialism? Cuban government addresses profound domestic crises by announcing aggressive austerity measures

5. “In the dark times, will there still be singing?" A rare musical program recalls composer Hanns Eisler who collaborated with the playwright Bertolt Brecht

6. A former New Zealand prime minister (and a "progressive" imposter) joins an influential think tank responsible for producing war propaganda

7. Why is the United States railroading two men into being executed when scientific evidence proves their innocence?

8. Unprecedented summer heat wave affects millions across the United States (San Jose, California mentioned)

9. Austerity in Australia: anticipating worker wage demands, the Labor government in Victoria tells public hospitals to slash spending by at least 10 percent

10. Drop in automobile sales cited as the reason why Stellantis is cutting manufacturing jobs in Michigan

11. Part of an escalating global assault on jobs: UPS closing major distribution hubs to retool them for automation

12. For decent lives, German autoworkers facing job cuts must unite with other workers across company and national borders

13. Bernie Sanders’ loyalty to Biden is the latest of a string of betrayals that have trapped workers in the capitalist Democratic Party

14. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!