Jul 5, 2024

1. Victims of a massive fraud: United Auto Workers (UAW) members must call for a new election!

2. Labour "landslide" in the UK snap election is nothing to crow about: the public that voted was motivated by its disgust with the Tories. Britain's role in the imperialist pursuit of war and profits is set to continue


Sri Lankan socialists will hold a meeting on July 7 to demand the release of Ukrainian political prisoner Bogdan Syrotiuk

4. A "full-scale scab workforce... working around the clock" plus a floundering Teamsters union present problems to California Smart & Final workers

5. Islamophobic hysteria in Australia drums a pro-Palestinian senator out of the Labour Party

6. Political bankruptcy of the pseudo-left Lutte Ouvrière (LO, Workers Struggle) party in France is exposed by the rise of the far-right in snap election

7. Democratic loyalists defect US President Biden's reelection campaign as a crisis atmosphere envelopes the White House

8. Turkish socialists issue a proclamation in defense of Syrian refugees against right-wing and nationalist attacks

9. Vendetta against Leonard Peltier for a crime he never committed is the reason behind repeated denials of a parole


 Blindsided by censorship: "We are just two young artists in the Midwest of America, what can we do?"

11. Part 2: How the African National Congress (ANC) demobilized a mass movement, negotiated "democratic" reforms, enriched itself, and preserved the wealth and property of corporations and South Africa's white capitalist rulers

12. Education union tries to stop the independent formation of rank-and-file workers facing staff cuts at Western Sydney University in Australia

13. The German government pushes ahead with massive rearmament plans in advance of next week's NATO summit in Washington

14. Amid protests, right-wing extremists gathered in Essen, Germany for an Alternative for Germany (AfD) party meeting

15.  New allegations raised about how Boeing cut corners at its 787 Dreamliner facility to increase profits for its shareholders

16. Alcohol retail and distribution workers in Ontario, Canada go on strike

17. Tom Scripps and Joseph Kishore: the relevance of Karl Marx today when capitalism is coming to an end

18. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!