Jul 19, 2024

1. 20,000 Michigan voters sign their names to put Joseph Kishore and Jerry White on their presidential ballot

2. Court-appointed UAW Monitor describes foot-dragging, unethical conduct, and a “culture of fear of retaliation" within the union

3. Newly formed Mexican pseudo-left bloc promotes  illusions to block an independent struggle for power for the working class

4. Tasked with escalating NATO’s plans for direct military conflict with Russia: European Political Community conspires in Blenheim Palace

5. Nobody is safe: new studies emphasize the dangers ignored by the US government's "forever COVID" policy 

6. International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) agreement won't help Hollywood workers regain what they have lost

7. Five Colorado workers test positive for bird flu virus: will it transmit from human to human?

8. End of a two-month farce: the floating pier that the US built to supply humanitarian aid to Gazans is removed

9. Free Bogdan Syrotiuk! More statements from Australia and New Zealand

10. In spite of serious questions, Alabama executes its third prisoner this year

11. Melbourne, Australia worker to socialists campaigning against war and genocide: "For people who have money, life is good, but what about the rest of us?"

12. Fascism in America: Trump's rambling rant to Republicans at their convention targets immigrants and political enemies

13. Australian measures effectively disenfranchise and threaten the basic rights of 80,000 construction workers

14. UK's empowered Labour government utilizes union to police nation's postal workers

15. UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy seeks a conciliation with US former president Donald Trump

16. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!