Jul 27, 2024

1. Why hasn't the CDC and the Biden administration issued any public statements on the latest surge of COVID?

2. A fascistic police state: Paris prepares for 2024 Summer Olympics with 45,000 riot and military police, 10,000 soldiers and 22,000 private security guards

3. FBI Director Wray deflects questions about security failures during the assassination attempt on Trump

4. Assassination of fascist Iryna Farion underscores the intense instability within Ukraine after over two years of war

5. Without public discussion, NATO plans to deploy land-based Tomahawk cruise missiles, SM-6 guided missiles and Dark Eagle hypersonic missiles in Germany

6. Bangladeshi Hasina government continues brutal response to the largely peaceful student protests seeking jobs-justice

7. Australian Prime Minister Albanese's plan to reshuffle ministers an indication of government instability amid a worsening economy

8. Giving the appearance of a cover up carried out with the assistance of a compliant media, Illinois prosecutors drop charges against police officers who shot and killed a child on a domestic violence call

9. Canada’s wildfire season flares after a stretch of hot, dry weather in Alberta: about 30 percent of town structures in Jasper, a popular vacation resort, wiped out

10. Sunday elections in Venezuela portend violence and division: whoever wins, the people are set to lose

11. Teamsters bureaucracy saps Amazon workers' strike initiative in San Bernardino, California

12. Video game industry workers go on strike against companies whose profits dwarf the film and recording industries

13. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!