Jun 7, 2024

1. Ukrainian government bans the World Socialist Web Site

2. US President Biden's "statements of staggering recklessness" at D-Day Commemoration Ceremony

3. Israel savagely assaults UN-run school with precision-guided missiles provided by the US

4. Tens of thousands of ultra-religious nationalists march through occupied East Jerusalem to celebrate Jerusalem Day

5. Australians continue to protest and speak out against the crimes of Israel and its allies in Gaza

6. Pro-business restructuring of a Western Australian college done behind the backs of its staff and students

7. The election statement of the German Socialist Equality Party (Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, SGP)

8. Sri Lankan socialists call for the immediate release of Ukrainian political prisoner Bogdan Syrotiuk

9. Hysterical media campaign in Germany continues unabated after a tragic event

10. As part of its preparations for total war with Russia and China, UAW President Sean Fain is appointed to Biden's Export Council

11. The integration of the intelligence agencies and the US State Department into the Democratic Party continues with a former CIA official running for a senate seat

12. Fearing loss of profits due to faulty planes, managers and executives at Boeing go into “panic mode”

13. Retiring head of the British Army fears Britain is not prepared for World War III

14. Maternal mortality rate for the US continues to be the highest among high-income nations

15. A big popular response to the topics of the gig economy and student loan debt surprises the director of a Netflix film that may become a regular series

16. Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) colludes with Canada's ruling class to thwart anti-genocide student protesters with a fraudulent "solidarity rally"

17. UK postal workers lack confidence in a planned private takeover of the Royal Mail

18. Australia's growing list of billionaire parasites

19. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!