Jun 28, 2024

1. A substantial victory for workers and socialism

2. Bottom line to yesterday's presidential debate: the US "political crisis goes far beyond the debilitation and disorientation of the two candidates"

3. Kenyan president deploys thousands of soldiers to crush protests

4. Police viciously attack a protest in Sri Lanka involving around 10,000 teachers"

5. The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) and Mayor Brandon Johnson work in secret to suppress worker demands

6.  Hollywood workers should suspect integrity of union representation which secretly conducts contract negotiations behind closed doors

7. Australian working class grapples with painful inflation

8. Capital punishment in the US this week includes a plan to execute an innocent man

9. New Zealanders speak out at a rally to protest Israeli genocide in Gaza

10. UK socialists run as an alternative to the establishment policy of “war, war, war”

11.Socialist Equality Party candidate Darren Paxton speaks at a trades council in Scotland: "I am 25. Every single day since I was born there has been a war waged under British and US imperialism and nobody is willing to criticize their pay masters"

12. Founders of the Postal Workers Rank-and-File Committee in Canada defend Ukrainian political prisoner Bogdan Syrotiuk

13. More Australians and New Zealanders speak out to defend Ukrainian political prisoner Brogdan Syrotiuk

14. Workers angered after a major truck assembly plant in suburban Detroit eliminates a work shift

15. Was the four-hour Bolivian coup "a dry run for the real thing"?

16. An interview with an earnest but misled pseudo-leftist youth leader at a rally held ahead of France's snap election

17. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!