Jun 12, 2024

1. David North's open letter to the Ukrainian government on behalf of Bogdan Syrotiuk:

2.More statements of support on behalf of Bogdan Syrotiuk

3. Police officers and private security forces turned loose on the UCLA campus assault and arrest protesting students

4. History lesson: What has happened since Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954) outlawed state-enforced racial segregation in US schools?

5. Imperialistic opportunities and militarism mark celebrations of the bicentenary relationship between the United States and Brazil

6. Incoming Sheinbaum administration determined to integrate Mexico more closely with US imperialistic interests

7. Mexican government to cooperate with US President Biden's border crackdown

8. British working class faces the greatest assault on its living standards since WWII

9. Que la terre de Palestine devienne une terre de paix: thousands march in Paris to protest genocide in Gaza

10. Amid broad and growing public anger, French President Emmanuel Macron dissolves parliament

11. Workers lose patience with "labor leader of the year" Shawn Fain after the release of an official report showing deep and continuing corruption within the UAW bureaucracy

12. UAW's "game-changing" labor agreement for the electric vehicle battery industry: Not!

13. Not so fast! Entertainment workers should ask questions about IATSE deals being made behind their backs

14. Nigerian unions suppress massive working class opposition  to country's atrocious living conditions

15. Circumstantial evidence and a lethal injection in Missouri: “The state says it’s illegal for us to kill somebody, but they can sanction a murder and it’s A-OK, no big deal.”

16. Fast conviction of President Biden's son for lying, like Trump's recent conviction for hiding hush money payments, serves to distract the US public from worse crimes being committed by the ruling class

17. Financial investors "crow with delight" over a court ruling that will make it harder to regulate private equity funds

18. The dangerous implications behind court's upholding the dismissal of Australian senior lecturer, Tim Anderson

19. The UK Socialist Equality Party (SEP) publishes an anti-war manifesto in advance of the July 4 snap general election 

20. Thousands of jobs lost in Germany after a major union, citing a weak economy, calls off a strike

21. Part of Democrats' escalation of attacks on all third-party candidates, Nevada harasses Jill Stein's Green Party campaign

22. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!