Jun 19, 2024

1. US president Biden's limited immigration reform action serves to cover up his Trump-style crackdown at the Mexican border

2. A pseudo-leftist town hall: “Abandon Biden, but above all keep faith in the Democratic Party, the Republican Party and the capitalist two-party system!”

3. Israel Defense Forces (IDF) declares that operational plans for a war in Lebanon have been approved

4. German government presses ahead with preparations for a major European “land war” and compulsory military service

5. Argentinian austerity measure gets a "thumbs up" from Wall Street while police and protesters clash

6. UK general election candidate Tom Scripps of the Socialist Equality Party attends debate

7. Audience member: "Overall, he's so right.”

8. "A staggering display of hypocrisy": Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau accuses Russia of genocide in Ukraine

9. AIPAC's lavish intervention in US elections targets politicians who are not perceived as sufficiently obedient

10. More austerity in store for Australians who get empty lip service from politicians

11. Political turmoil grips Armenia as its prime minister moves the country toward a closer alliance with Washington and NATO

12. Can Boeing be reformed?

13. A fraction of Amazon Labor Union members vote to approve merging with Teamsters

14. The University of California in Los Angeles is being turned into "a battleground" over its conflict with peaceful student protesters

15. UN Report: "There is no solution to be found within the framework of the international financial system for the billions of people being driven deeper into poverty"

16. More supporters in Australia and New Zealand speak out in defense of Ukrainian political prisoner Bogdan Syrotiuk

17. Tomorrow is World Refugee Day

18. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!