Sep 21, 2024

1. Israel’s latest criminal acts of terror against Lebanese civilians are mostly met by silence in capitols of North America and Europe

2. Boeing, beginning to feel the pressure of it's 33,000 striking workers, responds by sending out furloughs

3. Tentative agreement announced by railworkers' union, SMART-TD, would destroy jobs and open the way for one-person crews

4. Allies of Trump are purging voters and changing election rules ahead of the US presidential election

5. Sri Lanka’s presidential election is being held amid an unprecedented breakup of the country’s establishment parties and a deepening social and economic crisis

6. “Bias-based policing tactics” on protesters: Detroit Police Department has been monitoring and gathering information on hundreds of individuals

7. Setting the stage for a wider attack on basic democratic rights: Australian university officials chided for not stamping out campus dissent

8. VW Rank-and-File Committee invites other autoworkers to join and fight for their rights independent of the corrupt IG Metall bureaucracy

9. In Brazil: GM is counting on the services of São José dos Campos Metalworkers Union to suppress workers' opposition to a new round of job cuts

10. Canadian by-election lessons: the absence of a working class political alternative left the field open for reactionary political forces to gain ground

11. Washington's conspiratorial efforts to overthrow Venezuelan President Maduro fail after suffering a series of blows

12. The strongest storm to hit Southeast Asia this year, Typhoon Yagi, leaves a trail of death and destruction

13. Australian government, along with its imperialist allies, tacitly endorse Israels' carnage in Lebanon

14. Decades of underfunded ambulance services contributes to a Melbourne, Australian man's death

15. While NATO plans gel to attack targets in the Russian heartland, the German government prepares a massive 1.4 billion euro arms package for Ukraine

16. A USPS auxiliary workers' contract expires while their management carries out an historic attack on jobs and postal services under the “Delivering for America” restructuring program

17. Needing a global strategy, exploited Samsung Electronics workers in India cripple production by walking off jobs

18. Delicatessen meat supplier, Boar's Head, shuts down its Virginia plant after a deadly nationwide listeria outbreak in the US

19. Pennsylvania-Ohio Educators Rank-and-File Safety Committee resolves to condemn the fascist violence being directed against Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio

20. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!