May 29, 2024

1. To "win" at all costs: NATO countries recklessly accelerate preparations to directly intervene in Russia-Ukraine war

2. National Security spokesman John Kirby's failing damage control: White House claims of opposing Israeli war crimes against Palestinian civilians is exposed as a total fraud

3. Anti-genocide strike by University of California  (UC) academic workers expands to more campuses

4. The campaign to free Ukrainian political prisoner Bogdan Syrotiuk gains more international support

5. New Zealand Māori radio program broadcasts defense of Ukrainian political prisoner Bogdan Syrotiuk

6. New Zealander vows to continue hunger strike until his government stops supporting Israel’s genocide in Gaza

7. Basketball great Bill Walton: "“Protesting is what gets things done. The drive for positive change requires action. The forces of evil don’t just change their ways.”

8. The fraud behind India's Congress Party

9. Review of a British two-part television series' smear of persecuted actor Kevin Spacey

10. Boeing's deepening crisis "is a concentrated expression of the crisis of American capitalism as a whole"

11. Existential crisis: the Biden administration's anti-Chinese tariffs send a shock wave through the international economy

12. Nestlé food workers continue strike in Toronto, Canada but must draw lessons from other workers

13. Louisiana Governor signs bill making Louisiana (48th among states when it comes to maternal and child care) the first state in the US to criminalize two abortion-inducing medications

14. Despite global warming fears, the Australian government promises to increase natural gas extraction

15. Vote for Joseph Kishore and Jerry White in 2024!